The other night my roommate had finally convinced me to go with her to yoga and while I had myself in some impossible position I didn’t even know my body could twist into, the instructor said those words “Everything you need is inside you, you just forgot”. While I know this was meant to encourage us to go deeper into the pose, I was immediately struck by how this could apply to my mission. At a time when I had been second guessing myself on whether or not I could accomplish this daunting task of raising $10,000, here was this little gem of wisdom sent to me in the most unlikely of places. Already my mantra of “Do things for the challenge” was paying off. The next day I finally got my first report from the church of donations that had been sent in. Sitting here doubting my ability to raise the funds while some of my other YASCers had already reached their $10,000 mark, I was actually beginning to see the fruits of my labor. I type this now with a cramped hand after writing over twenty some thank you notes to people that have sponsored me to the sum of $2,615. That is just over a quarter of the way to my goal and I couldn’t be more pleased, excited, appreciative and humbled by all of the support from people close to me and my family and people I barely know. I can’t thank everyone enough.
My little workstation set up. I haven't worked this hard since college. |
Next up, the Cathedral Women of Christ Church Cathedral, my home parish, is putting on their annual Strawberry Festival . It is an institution in downtown Indianapolis and in its 48th year. They have been generous enough to support me by way of donations for each volunteer I bring to help out. It is always a good time on the Circle downtown helping for a good cause and just hanging out with people from the Cathedral and the business people that stop by for their strawberry shortcakes! If anyone might have that day off or, like me doesn’t have a real 9-5 job, and wants to help me out please let me know and I can get you signed up to help!
In about a week or so, I’ll be heading to New York for training with the rest of the group with YASC. I am getting really excited to be reunited with the people I met back in February and haven’t seen since then. Of course, we’ve kept in touch through Facebook and Instagrams and our blogs, but there’s nothing like quality time spent with people in person, words on a computer screen can only convey so much. We’ll be there for two weeks training for life overseas, mission work and who knows what else, but I can guarantee there will be lots of memories made, conversations about our anxieties and excitements and just plain ol good times. What else happens when twenty some twenty somethings get together? Only time will tell.
I guess that’s all for now. Not much to report on, not even about my Rosetta Stone. It is really quite daunting, that box just sitting there on my nightstand.
Until next time,