Easter is my favorite holiday in the church. I've always loved the Easter Vigil and the build up and anticipation. I was worried that this year I wouldn't really get to experience that because I was so far from my home church. Of course I should have known that whenever you walk into an Anglican church, it's going to be fairly easy to follow along, even if it is in another language. For the Easter Vigil, there were very few people there, maybe they were saving up to come on Sunday? There was no English program for me to follow, but luckily having my Book of Common Prayer there with me, I was able to use my deductive reasoning, educated mind, and handy Bible book translations I've been working on to follow along. Whether I got every single thing right wasn't really my concern, I just enjoyed being in the company of the five or so other people.
My supplies for the Easter Vigil--trying to keep up was easier said than done. |
Before the Easter Vigil services. |
Easter Vigil. |
REJOICE AMERICANS! We are not the only country with "Chreasters" out there! (People that only go to church on Christmas and Easter) There was a record turn out on Easter Sunday. All of the tatami and pews were full. I found that to be oddly comforting, a characteristic of church at home. After the services we had a really lovely brunch. I sat at a table with an uncle and nephew on holiday from England, the presiding bishop's parents and Mr. Kazunori, who invited me out to dinner with him and his wife and his daughter when she was back in town for Golden Week. They had lived in San Fransisco for many years until moving back to Japan recently. It was a really great time and made me feel like I was at home. I did get to Skype with my family that morning so that was a bonus, too!
Easter Sunday packed house. |
The altar with the gifts. |
All the children receiving communion. |
One of the parishoners' sons made Easter eggs for everyone. |
Father Shimada giving the prayer before the meal. |
Great company during Easter lunch. |
My really sweet Easter gift from my coworker Hata-san! |
Until next time,
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